Realizing A Moderate Islamic-Based Learning Community In Indonesian


This paper will report who is the first actor mobilizer in realizing the moderate Islamic-based learning community in 36 regions in Indonesia that utilizes the services of teachers graduating from Sidogiri Islamic Boarding Schools every year. This research was conducted from the 14th of October 2018 to the 11th of April 2009 using a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews with 18 informants, then the data is reduced and analyzed using domain analysis. From the analysis, there are three findings, namely: (1) the moderate Islamic community is a mobilizer for actors; (2) the Islamic teacher Sidogiri Islamic boarding school graduates as the main actor; and (3) the leadership of Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School plays a role motivator and director of actors who have competence, commitment and confidence in carrying out their duties as a profession, as humanity, and as community service in realizing a moderate Islamic-based learning community

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